Students/Graduates must apply to graduate and attend the Convocation Ceremony by completing an Application to Graduate/Attend Convocation Form available online at MyHumber. The form must be completed seven (7) weeks prior to the date of the Convocation. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure this form is accurately completed and received by the Office of the Registrar by the deadline.

Postsecondary Certificate, Diploma, and Ontario Graduate Certificate programs

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all the graduation requirements for the program from which they expect to graduate.

To graduate from a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or Ontario graduate certificate program, students must meet all of the following requirements.

  1. Students must have completed the program within 200% of the normal program duration. For example, a two (2) year program would have a maximum completion timeframe of four (4) years. Failure to complete the program within the 200% timeframe would require the student to apply for readmission. Students would then have their courses evaluated for currency and would be subject to the curriculum and graduation requirements in place at the time of readmission.
  2. Students must have a 60% weighted Cumulative Program Grade Point Average (CPGPA).
  3. Students must have taken at least 25% of their program credits at Humber in order to satisfy residency requirements.
  4. Students must not have acquired more than 75% of the program credits through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process.

Students who interrupt their full-time studies will be required to meet the readmission and program requirements in effect at the time of their return to the College. Students who have interrupted their studies will not be eligible to graduate from a program that is no longer offered by the College.

Postsecondary students who achieve an 80% or greater weighted Cumulative Program Grade Point Average (CPGPA) will graduate with Honours.

Postsecondary certificate, diploma or Ontario graduate certificate students who do not attend Convocation will have their diplomas or certificates mailed to them at their primary address.

Degree Programs

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all graduation requirements for the program from which they expect to graduate.

To graduate from a degree program, students must meet all of the following requirements.

  1. Students must complete the program within 175% of the normal program duration. For example, a four (4) year program has a maximum completion time frame of seven (7) years. Failure to complete the program within the 175% time frame will require a student to apply for re-admission at which time the student’s previous course work will be evaluated for currency and the student will be subject to the curriculum and graduation requirements in place at the time of re-admission.
  2. Students must have a 65% weighted overall cumulative program grade point average (CPGPA).
  3. Students must complete the following breadth course requirements to be eligible to graduate:
    • Breadth courses are divided into three categories. Categories are: Society, Culture & Commerce; Science & Technology; and Arts & Humanities;
    • Students must take courses at both the lower and upper levels;
    • Students must take a minimum of two lower-level courses in two of the three categories
    • Students must take a minimum of two upper-level courses in two of the three categories.
    • Students must have taken a lower-level course in a breadth category before taking an upper-level course in the same breadth category.
  4. Students must complete the breadth course requirements identified in the program of study.
  5. Students must have taken at least 25% of their credits for the program at Humber in order to satisfy residency requirements.
  6. Students must not have acquired more than 50% of the program credits through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process.
  7. Students must satisfactorily complete the experiential learning requirement.

Students are encouraged to contact the Office of the Registrar or their Program Coordinator if they have questions regarding their graduation requirements or academic progression.

Students who interrupt their full-time studies will be required to meet the readmission and program requirements in effect at the time of their return to the College. Students who have interrupted their studies will not be eligible to graduate from a program that is no longer offered by the College.

Degree students who achieve an 80% or greater weighted Cumulative Program Grade Point Average (CPGPA) will graduate with Honours.

When a program is suspended or canceled, every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that students who are currently registered in the program will be able to complete their studies and graduate from the program. Students who have left the program or who do not complete the program before the program concludes will not be eligible to graduate from a program that is no longer offered by the college.

Humber Admission Requirements and Academic Regulations

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