18.4 Academic Appeal Hearing Protocol

The student has the right to representation throughout the various stages of the Academic Appeal procedure, as does Humber. The student shall advise Humber of their intent to retain a representative at the time an Academic Appeal is filed.  Regardless of the outcome of any Academic Appeal Hearing, any costs incurred by the student as a result of being represented are the sole responsibility of the student.  In the event the student retains legal representation, Humber has the option to do the same, at its own expense.  Those representing the student and/or Humber shall be allowed to present their client’s case, and may direct questions for clarification through the Chair, once the person providing the information has completed his or her formal presentation. 

A student may request a maximum of two people, including the student appeal advisor to accompany them at the Academic Appeal Hearing.  A student must indicate if anyone will accompany them at the time an Academic Appeal is filed. 

The Faculty will be represented by the Dean and/or the Senior Dean and the Professor directly involved.  

Prior to the Academic Appeal Hearing, the Chair of the Appeal Panel will direct the Office of the Registrar to confirm the participants at the hearing with the Academic Appeal Panel, the student and the Faculty. 

An Academic Appeal Panel member having any prior knowledge of the student or of the nature and circumstances of the appeal must withdraw from the Panel. 

Academic Appeal Hearings shall be conducted in private. 

Recording devices are not permitted during an Academic Appeal Hearing. 

All information presented and/or discussed at an Academic Appeal Hearing is deemed confidential and the Chair of the Panel will advise participants of their responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the proceeding. 

Once an Academic Appeal Hearing is in session, all participants must remain until all information has been heard and the meeting formally adjourned and/or concluded.  A student may request a private caucus prior to make their closing remarks. If requested, all participants will be asked to exit the appeal hearing room for the length of time noted by the Chair. 

Witnesses called by either the student or the Faculty shall be dismissed by the Chair of the Academic Appeal Panel once they have presented their information and have been questioned by the other party to the Appeal, and by the Academic Appeal Panel. 

The decision of an Academic Appeal Panel shall be by majority vote and is final and binding on all parties. The student and/or Faculty are precluded from seeking subsequent review of the appeal decision under any office, or in accordance with any policy or procedure within Humber.  

One copy of all materials presented at an Academic Appeal Hearing shall be kept on file until graduation or seven (7) years from the last date of registration.  This material shall be held in the Office of the Registrar. 

If two (2) or more formal appeals are submitted at the same time which involve the same or similar questions, the Chair may: 

  • combine the appeals or any part of them, with the consent of the parties; 
  • hear the appeals at the same time, with the consent of the parties; 
  • hear the appeals one immediately after the other;  

In the event of an Academic Appeal from a group of students, two (2) students, with the written permission of the other members of the group, shall represent the interests of the group at the Academic Appeal Hearing.  The decision rendered by the Academic Appeal Panel in a group appeal shall be considered binding on all members of the group identified as students in the appeal. 

Academic Appeal hearing format shall be as follows: 

The decision and reasons of an Academic Appeal Panel shall be forwarded in writing to the student and the Faculty within ten (10) business days of the Academic Appeal Hearing. 

  1. The Chair shall introduce the members of the Academic Appeal Panel and review the format of the meeting and any rules of process that are appropriate.  All procedural questions shall be directed to the Chair of the Academic Appeal Panel, and are subject to the final decision of the Chair. 
  2. The Chair shall ask each participant to confirm that they are willing to maintain the confidentiality of the information presented at the proceeding. 
  3. The Chair shall ensure that sufficient time is provided to cover all points that are relevant to the appeal. 
  4. The Chair shall ensure that all documentation tabled was submitted prior to the Academic Appeal Hearing and was received by all participants within the allotted time period unless otherwise ordered. 
  5. The Office of the Registrar shall provide a certified copy of the student’s full academic record if it is requested by either the student and/or the Faculty for their submission and is deemed by the Academic Appeal Panel as being relevant to the appeal being heard. 
  6. The Faculty named in an Academic Appeal shall provide a copy of the outline(s) for the course(s) and all course materials cited in the appeal along with a copy of the appropriate curriculum in the event the course is part of a program. 
  7. The student (or the student’s representative) is required to clearly state the nature of the appeal, present the case referring to any relevant documentation previously submitted, and state the resolution being sought. 
  8. The Faculty (or its representative) shall state its position and speak to any relevant documentation. 
  9. The student (or the student’s representative) and the Faculty (or its representative) shall have the opportunity to question persons providing information through the Chair once the person providing the information has completed their formal statement. 
  10. Members of the Academic Appeal Panel may raise questions through the Chair at any time to ensure that all points are clearly understood and are relevant to the Appeal. 
  11. Based on the information provided, the Faculty and the student shall be provided with an opportunity to summarize their position. The student will have the opportunity to speak last. 
  12. After confirming that both parties have presented all relevant information and the student has had the final opportunity to speak, the meeting shall adjourn and the Academic Appeal Panel shall caucus privately and in confidence to reach a decision. The decision shall be determined by majority vote of the Panel. 
  13. If an Academic Appeal Panel upholds the decision, the action of the Faculty stands and is written as such. 
  14. If the Academic Appeal Panel does not uphold the decision, the Panel may award resolutions such as: 
    • directing the Faculty to administer and/or accommodate the student with respect to a new final examination, assignment or paper in the course; or 
    • directing the Faculty to reinstate the student to the program status they were prior to the academic decision being appealed. 

      Note: The Panel has no authority to provide any monetary award, to impose an actual mark, or to reprimand or take disciplinary action against any individual because of information presented at an appeal.  

  15. In the event that an Academic Appeal Panel finds in favour of the student, the Faculty cited in the appeal shall be responsible for implementing the decision of the Panel and for ensuring the student’s academic record is corrected if necessary. 
  16. In the event that an Academic Appeal Panel upholds the academic decision of the Faculty, other than a College-initiated withdrawal/expulsion, the decision is not made part of a student’s permanent academic record, but shall become part of a student’s confidential record.  Upon graduation, a student’s confidential record is expunged.  Should a student not graduate, a student’s confidential record is expunged five (5) years after the disposition of an appeal.

Humber Admission Requirements and Academic Regulations