18.2 Review of Final Grade

Review of a Final Grade are generally concerns related to the miscalculation of the final grade or deviation from the evaluation procedures described in the course outline. A formal request to review a final grade must be initiated within ten (10) business days after the release of the final grade. 

Preliminary Steps toward Resolution 

If a student has questions or concerns regarding a grade on an assignment or test, the student should discuss the matter with the faculty member. The Program Coordinator and/or the Associate Dean may be asked to assist if the faculty member and student are unable to resolve the issue. 

Note: If an assignment or test is not normally returned to the student, the Faculty will ensure that the student has the opportunity to review the assignment or test under the supervision of the professor or designate. 

Formal Request for a Review of a Final Course Grade 

A student has the right to review a final course grade with the professor. A review of the final course grade may be premised on a miscalculation of the final grade or deviation from the evaluation procedures described in the course outline. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the review with the professor and/or Program Coordinator, the student may submit a request in writing to the Associate Dean requesting a further review no later than ten (10) business days after the end of the term or training period within which the course or unit of instruction was offered. The request should be submitted on a Request for Review of a Final Grade Form. Forms are available from the Office of the Registrar or found on the Academic Regulations webpage.   

The Associate Dean will provide a written decision within twelve (12) business days of receipt of the request unless both parties have mutually agreed to an extension. A student may not challenge a final course grade on the basis of an individual in-course piece of work that has or has not previously been re-marked. 

There is no further right of appeal of the grade once the Faculty has completed a Formal Review of a Final Course Grade and made a final decision. The assignment of a final course grade is a Faculty-level decision. A College-Level Academic Appeal Panel may only be filed for reasons relating to breach of process in the handling of the review. In such cases, the College-Level Academic Appeal must be filed within ten (10) business days of the student’s receipt of the decision of the Final Grade Review. 

Student support 

The Conflict Resolution Centre (CRC), operated by the Longo Faculty of Business and the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program offer, have student interns who are trained to offer conflict resolution management tools and strategies on how you can address conflict. The CRC also offers mediation services.  In addition, the CRC provides students with information about the many services available at Humber College. The CRC is 100% free and confidential. The CRC ADR Student interns offer their services virtually or in-person. All the CRC ADR Student interns are trained community mediators and circle process facilitators.  

The CRC can direct you to Humber resources and websites, specifically the academic regulations where you can locate all the information you require regarding the procedure and process for issue resolution. It is strongly recommended that students review these documents before attending an appointment.  

The first step to resolving an appeal is to meet with your faculty member or the Program Coordinator. If you have not done so already, we recommend you complete this initial step immediately as the timeline to file an appeal is 10 days following the release of a mark/grade. Should you require assistance with Conflict Resolution Management, you can schedule an appointment using at https://business.humber.ca/conflictresolutioncentre

Humber Admission Requirements and Academic Regulations