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7.4 Course/Timetable Changes after Registration (Added or Dropped Courses)

All course additions to a student’s timetable for a given term are to be completed by the end of the fifth (5th) day of classes from the beginning of the term as indicated in Humber's Academic Calendar. The addition of a course after the end of this period will be considered only in exceptional circumstances and will require the approval of the Associate Dean of the program in which the student is enrolled. A late fee will apply if a student registers for courses after the registration deadline.

A course must be dropped prior to Last Day to Withdraw without Academic Penalty as listed in the Academic Calendar for each term. This deadline date is normally at the three-quarters point of the course. For information related to withdrawing from courses see Section 8.0, Course/Programs Fees and Refunds.

Students may withdraw from a course through My Humber at http://humber.ca/myhumber. Students must understand that dropping courses may impact their full-time status and change their financial aid (OSAP) status and eligibility.  Students wishing to withdraw from their program, including all their courses must make a formal request to withdraw through the Office of the Registrar. The program withdrawal process may not be completed online.

Students who submit formal notification of withdrawal from a full-time program of instruction are entitled to a refund of tuition and ancillary fees as outlined in Section 8.0, Course/Programs Fees and Refunds.

Humber Admission Requirements and Academic Regulations

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