4.2 Roles and Responsibilities

All Community Members: Responsibility to Report

All Humber community members are expected to report incidents that are in contravention of these Academic Regulations when there may be any risk of academic dishonesty or otherwise fraudulent misrepresentation of a (prospective) student’s credentials, skills, or academic work submitted for evaluation.

Humber community members may inform any staff or faculty member of a violation, and they in turn will provide the information to the Office of the Registrar, who will take any action required, and, in cooperation with the associated Academic School and other Departments, initiate any investigative process in order to fully address the misconduct or misrepresentation.


All students have a responsibility to be aware of the academic policies and procedures that govern the admissions, registration, progression, graduation, and academic requirements of their program of study. Where these policies and procedures are violated and not resolvable informally, formal processes will be engaged.

Academic Schools

Incidents of academic misconduct will require more formal and/or documented follow-up with a designate of the related Academic School, in accordance with the School’s and/or Humber’s policies and procedures. Incidents which come to the attention of the Associate Dean and which warrant a formal letter will be communicated to the Office of the Registrar.

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for administering the policies and procedures outlined herein. Academic appeals that cannot be resolved through the School-level appeal process require the support of the Office of the Registrar. (see Section 18).

Office of Student Success and Engagement

Investigation and incidents of academic misconduct that cannot be informally resolved may require the support of the Office of Student Success and Engagement, through the provision of a student advisor, during the academic appeal process. (see Section 18)

Humber Admission Requirements and Academic Regulations